About Us

SellerForce is a Full Service, Sell-Side Business Brokerage that represents Small Businesses Owners in the entire Business Sale process. As a full-service firm with decades of experience under our belts, and over $2 Billion in collective representation among our affiliated companies, we are in a great position to achieve the best results possible for our clients.

We advise business owners on the best strategies and market moves to close their small business sale for top dollar. SellerForce is backed by over 100 years of experience and leadership in just about every industry profile, with very little real competition in the space.

When you work with SellerForce, you can expect to work with top legal, accounting, consulting, and sales experts. SellerForce only works with the highest quality talent the brokerage industry has to offer, so that our clients have the resources they need to sell their Business efficiently, smoothly and at the Highest Valuations on the Planet. 

Contact us today to see how we can help you succeed in the sale of your business.